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Napoléon II's journey to Algeria, 7 June 1865
Taken from Histoire de l'Algérie et Voyage de Napoléon III en 1865. Photographies entre 1857 et 1867
National Library of France , Paris, France

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The future kingdom
National Library of France , Paris, France

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The last day of the Commune, Paris 1871
National Library of France , Paris, France

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Émile Zola. J'accuse! … 11-13 January 1898
National Library of France , Paris, France

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Colonial school in Paris, project of M. Maurice Yvon
Longitudinal view; Plan of the first floor
National Library of France , Paris, France

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Political life (the start of the Third Republic)

The government relocates from Paris to Versailles in March 1871, whereas the Parisian people refuse to surrender the city to the Prussians. Due to the Treaty of Frankfurt (May 1871) France abandons Alsace and Lorraine to the German Empire.

The Third Republic (1870–1940) establishes numerous reforms. The democratic republic is now created.

The Dreyfus Affair (1894–8) and the law establishing the separation between the Church and the State (1905) revealed the divisions within the French population. The new colonies (Algeria and parts of Africa and Asia) are strengthening France’s economic power.