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© National Museum of Qatar

5th millennium BC; 18th century settlement; abandoned probably at the beginning of the 20th century

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Al-Zubarah, an important trading port

Qatar has always been considered to be one of the main fishing, pearling and trading ports in the Arabian Gulf. During the 18th century, Al-Zubarah emerged as a prominent trading district in Qatar due to its immense number of pearl beds. The resources of the sea were used by the people of Al-Zubarah, with pearling, fishing and maritime trade playing a vital role in the founding and flourishing of this town. Al-Zubarah had the added advantage of being tax-free, which resulted in the success of its trading port. The successes of pearling and trading created an economic surplus that permitted the rapid development of Al-Zubarah. It is thought that the population reached its peak during the 18th century.