© The Palestine Exploration Fund

Name of Object:

Plan of Jerusalem


London, United Kingdom

Holding Institution:

The Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF)

 About The Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), London

Date of Object:


Inventory Number:





Plan of the area to the South of the Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem, showing the location of the shafts dug by Lieut. Charles Warren, R.E., and his team to explore the topography of ancient Jerusalem. This work established the history of the development of the Old City of Jerusalem. While engaged in this work, Warren also carried out a major study of the economy of Jerusalem in the period 1867–1870, which was published in the SWP in 1884.

Citation of this web page:

"Plan of Jerusalem" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;uk;68;en

MWNF Working Number: UK 068

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