Valley of the Queens, Tomb of Prince Khaemwaset at the moment of discovery
Valle delle Regine, tomba del principe Khaemuaset al momento della scoperta
Turin, Italy
Soprintendenza Archeologia del Piemonte: Authority for the Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont
About MIBACT | Authority for the Archaeological Heritage of Piedmont, Turin
Soprintendenza Archeologia del Piemonte
Francesco Ballerini (attributed) (1877, Como-1910)
Silver bromide negative impressed on glass plate
18 x 13 cm
Francesco Ballerini was an archaeologist and a curator of the Egyptian Museum in Turin. He worked at the 1902 Italian Archaeological Mission in Egypt led by Ernesto Schiaparelli. He also took part in four other excavations including the tombs of Khaemuaset (No. 44) and Sethherkhepeshef (No. 43), both sons of the Pharaoh Rameses III (1183–1152 BC). The tombs were found cluttered with wooden sarcophagi and mummies dating back to a period between the 22nd-25th dynasties, as the picture shows. Both tombs had been robbed previously and showed the pink granite sarcophagi already opened and empty. In the background the viewer can see the scene of the triumph of Osiris, God of the Afterworld. The God is flanked by two funeral genii, guardians of the gates to the afterworld.
Copyright image: Museo Egizio di Torino - Archivi Soprintendenza Archeologia del Piemonte.
Marcella Trapani "Valley of the Queens, Tomb of Prince Khaemwaset at the moment of discovery" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2025.;AWE;it;173;en
Prepared by: Marcella Trapani
Copyedited by: Anne Dowell
MWNF Working Number: IT2 031
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