Name of Monument:

Barbadinhos Steam pumping station

Other name of the Monument:

Barbadinhos pumping station

Name in original language:

Museu da Agua


Lisbon, Portugal

Responsible Institution:

EPAL- Portuguese Society for Water Supply

Responsible Institution (original language):

EPAL – Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres, S.A.

Date of Monument:

Built between 1871 and 1880

Architect(s) / Master-builder(s):

Windsor House & Fils and Workshops of CAL – Companhia das Águas de Lisboa (Water Company of Lisbon)


Classified as CIP – Setting of Public Interest through Decree. º 1176/2010, DR, 2nd Series, no. 248 of 14/12/2010, the Station of Barbadinhos was designed to raise water from the Alviela river to the reservoir of Veronica and to the Cistern of Monte. Opened on 3 October 1880, the station considerably increased the volume of water supplied to the city of Lisbon. Its main equipment, consisting of four steam engines built in the workshops of E. W. Windsor of Rouen, ran until 1928.


This Lisbon Water Museum is the urban memory symbol of innovation and improvements in public health issues. The Barbadinhos Steam Pumping Station opened on 3 October 1880. It was built to raise the water coming from the Alviela Canal to the Veronica and Cisterna do Monte reservoirs. It was used to increase the volume of the water supplied to the city of Lisbon. The main equipment consists of four steam machines that worked uninterruptedly until 1928. They were built in the workshops of “Constructeurs - Mecaniciens” E. W. Windsor & Fils, of Rouen, France, an English owned company. The machines, whose steam was produced by five boilers, are all of the same kind: vertical pistons with two cylinders each and steam liner – Woolf system – of variable expansion and condensation.

Citation of this web page:

Bárbara Bruno "Barbadinhos Steam pumping station" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=monuments;AWE;pt;7;en

Prepared by: Bárbara Bruno

MWNF Working Number: PT 008

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