MIBACT | Archival Superintendency of Umbria

Perugia, Italy

© SA Umbria© SA Umbria© SA Umbria

The Archival Superintendencies (Soprintendenze Archivistiche) are branches of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. Their functions include deciding which private archives should be considered of special cultural interest, inspecting private archives and the records of public bodies to make sure that they are correctly preserved, providing archival advice free of charge to the owners of materials under their jurisdiction, and producing search aids.

The Soprintendenza Archivistica per l’Umbria also organises conferences and exhibitions, and publishes catalogues and search aids. It edits three series of volumes (Segni di civiltà, Scaffali senza polvere and La nave di Ulisse) under the supervision of the Superintendent Mario Squadroni.

Via Martiri dei Lager, 65
06128 Perugia
T +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198
F +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198


Anna Angelica Fabiani; Francesca Tomassini
T +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198
F +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198
annaangelica.fabiani@beniculturali.it; francesca.tomassini@beniculturali.it

Stefania Maroni
T +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198
F +39 075 5055715; 075 5052198

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