© Pera Müzesi

Name of Object:

The Grand Bazaar


Istanbul, Türkiye

Holding Institution:

Pera Museum

 About Pera Museum, Istanbul

Date of Object:

Second half of the 19th century


Amadeo Preziosi (1816-1882)

Material(s) / Technique(s):

Oil on canvas


W: 670 + H: 455 cm


Amadeo Preziosi often presented genre scenes from Istanbul in his unique style. Specifically, he incorporated diverse scenes from the Bazaar in a number of his paintings. This venue, particular to Istanbul, has been of great interest to western artists, and in Edmondo De Amicis’s words “is not just a building but a town”. The Grand Bazaar, which housed shops for a wide range of commercial goods and catered to almost all of the needs of customers, offered an incredible visual richness and diversity to the western artist. A reflection of this opulence is also evident in Preziosi’s painting, which includes numerous details from daily life.

Archival or Bibliographical Reference:

Orientalist Paintings Collection-Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection

Citation of this web page:

"The Grand Bazaar" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;tr;36;en

Copyedited by: Daniel de la VegaDaniel de la Vega

Daniel de la Vega is a copy editor based in Portland, Oregon. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in linguistics from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2014 and has since done editing and localization work on everything from college applications to magazines to video game dialogue.

MWNF Working Number: TR2 032

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