Name of Object:

Thymus ciliatus Benth. Presently: Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus (Boiss. & Reut.) Greuter & Burdet

Other name of the Object (second name):

Moroccan wild thyme (common name)


Lisbon, Portugal

Holding Institution:

National Museum of Natural History and Science (MUHNAC) / Museums of the University of Lisbon

 About National Museum of Natural History and Science (MUHNAC) / Museums of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon

Holding Institution (original language):

Museu Nacional da Historia Natural e da Ciencia (MUHNAC)

Date of Object:


Inventory Number:


Material(s) / Technique(s):

Pressed and dried plant, glued on paper


40 x 25 cm




Natural History Museums were an important institution for scientific researching, exchange and circulate ideas and natural knowledge. This object is a Herbarium and the specimen was collected in Algeria, on the Lions Mountain, near Oran, in May 1850 by Giles Munby. The aromatic leaves are grey-green, covered with hairs. The pink flowers are crowded into terminal clusters. It is a drought tolerant species from NW Africa (Algeria and Morocco). It is included in the first Centuria of Plantae Algeriensis Exciccatae, distributed to different herbaria. It is used as a medicinal plant in its area of occurrence.

Citation of this web page:

Ana Isabel Correia (FCUL/MUHNAC-UL) "Thymus ciliatus Benth. Presently: Thymus munbyanus subsp. coloratus (Boiss. & Reut.) Greuter & Burdet" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;pt;44;en

Prepared by: Ana Isabel Correia (FCUL/MUHNAC-UL)

MWNF Working Number: PT 098

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