© Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Bildarchiv/Portraitsammlung

Name of Object:

Jozef Zachariasz Bem (1795–1850)


Vienna, Austria

Holding Institution:

Austrian National Library

 About Austrian National Library, Vienna

Date of Object:

Before 1850

Inventory Number:



Portrait of Jozef Zachariasz Bem as Turkish Pasha. Jozef Bem was born in the Austrian part of Poland. He fought as a Napoleonic officer against the Russians. In 1830 he participated in the Polish uprising against the Russians in Warsaw. In 1848 he was one of the leading Generals fighting with the Hungarian army against the Habsburg troops. After several defeats in 1849, he fled with 6,000 Hungarian-Polish soldiers to the Ottoman Empire. After converting to Islam, he became a Turkish General. In 1850 he suppressed an Arabic pogrom against the Christian population of Aleppo.

Archival or Bibliographical Reference:


Citation of this web page:

"Jozef Zachariasz Bem (1795–1850)" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;at;76;en

Copyedited by: Daniel de la VegaDaniel de la Vega

Daniel de la Vega is a copy editor based in Portland, Oregon. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in linguistics from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2014 and has since done editing and localization work on everything from college applications to magazines to video game dialogue.

MWNF Working Number: AT 077

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