© Archives nationale © Archives nationale

Name of Object:

List of the Christian captives of Italian origin, written by Mariano Stinca, a Neapolitan captive


Tunis, Tunisia

Holding Institution:

Archives Nationales

 About Higher Institute for the Study of Contemporary History of Tunisia, University of Manouba, Tunis

Date of Object:



This list of the Chrsitian captives of Italian origin (Calabria Crotone, Catanzaro, Borgia, Palermo, etc.) was written by Mariano Stinca, a former Neapolitan captive who had become the secretary and head of protocol for Hammouda Pacha Bey.

Citation of this web page:

Saloua Khadhar Zangar "List of the Christian captives of Italian origin, written by Mariano Stinca, a Neapolitan captive " in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;tn;108;en

Prepared by: Saloua Khadhar Zangar
Translation by: Flaminia Baldwin

MWNF Working Number: TN 114

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