© Ministry of Culture, Algiers

Name of Object:

North African woman washing


Algiers, Algeria

Holding Institution:

Musée Public National des Antiquités

 About National Museum of Antiquities and Islamic Art, Algiers

Date of Object:


Inventory Number:

Berbbruger 1


47 x 30cm


The description online has a good explanation for Berbugger which could be used here.

Archival or Bibliographical Reference:

Berbrugger, Algérie Historique Pittoresque et Monumentale, Paris: J. Delahaye, 1843.

Citation of this web page:

"North African woman washing" in "Sharing History", Museum With No Frontiers, 2024. https://sharinghistory.museumwnf.org/database_item.php?id=object;AWE;dz;23;en

Translation by: Flaminia Baldwin

MWNF Working Number: DZ 064